Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Strangely the drugs that you take can affect your ability to meditate. I think sleeping drugs, relaxing drugs, anti depression drugs, affect you. But there may bar a host of other drugs that affect your ability to concentrate.

I think it also affects the ability to do yoga.


I need to more about breathing meditation. I use the ticks of a piano metronome beats to synchronise breathing. The lung gets tired, and breathing get heavy, I thought it was ok, but found not. Breathing should be as silent as possible. Don't try to keep up with the beats, but count the beats. Think of the lung how it expands and contacts. When you are out is breath breathing becomes irregular, it's ok, keep meditating, after a while breathing becomes regular. When the body becomes tired even a little bit, the lung tried to get more oxygen, we should allow it, or we get more tired, and breathing becomes more heavy.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sri Lankan Media

Stop publishing and broadcasting rubbish.
In the morning we see sooth Sayers explaing horoscope.
Or religious sermons, are these helpful to people? Does they listen to these at all? Have we improved after decades of these broadcasts?

Broadcast more political discussions. Educated people about economy, social norms etc. People listens these. Have people interact by telephone, sms, tweeter, Facebook,  like social media. Have more public discussions. Bring experts and educate people. Kaka more people interest In these discussions than, Tele-dramas.

This is the way forward. Not by blaming each other. Help public make correct choices in democratic elections. If they are ignorant they can't do it.

For instance why nationalism is bad for our country. But it helps Israel. What happened to Nazi Germany. How they have to change to ruishmark from marks and  dueshmarks from ruishmarks.