Saturday, December 16, 2017


Wheelers delayed choice experiment and
Third polarizer experiment, can only be explained by assuming that movement of photons will be in an indeterminate state, between certain points of it's travel path.

Say a photon coming to us is split into two entangled parts one part travels opposite direction away from earth, the other part toward earth. Now until we observers, the photon is in limbo.

I don't know yet the exact solution but have a feeling that the solution will have following qualities. Time is either fully or partially man made. Einstein's spooky action at distance, is because the flow of time has in that case. This may be due to inability of the concept of time to fall in line, or due to the fact time is man made and there are holes that cannot be patched.
We need to answer the question that action of celestial objects, for example the shining moon, and us seeing it cannot be explained without the concept of time. Flowing of a river and changes it makes to earth cannot depend upon a human being. The cause and effect of celestial bodies cannot depend on man. But the cause and effect of a marble striking another and movement of the second marble due to the impact, may be man made.
In Wheelers delayed choice experiment, when the observer is watching photon behaves like a particle and not watching behaves like a wave. The reason may be man made time flows when watching-it behaves like a particle and when not watching time flow stops and behave like a wave. This may be a perfect solution to the problem.

Then probability may be a part of it like in quantum mechanics. Probability of time flowing back can get externally slim as more and more events happen in a chain of events. Therefore we may have the concept of time. And man had imposed more of it's own concepts on top of the flow of time.

Apple falling from a tree, even if we want we can't reverse the direction. Therefore something is happening other than man. But the accelerator of falling may be a concept of man.

A new idea struck me. Special Relativity involves only, bodies that are in uniform motion, no acceleration. If you think carefully, does uniform motion involves time. The concept of time is not necessary for uniform motion. Say a ball is in uniform motion. Well how do you  know it? We see that it moves in an uniform way. Still how do you it definitely? We make measurements. Isn't it that  when making measurements you disturb the uniform motion? So there is no uniform motion. Therefore bodies that move uniformly are irreverent to us. In bodies that move uniformly there is no flow of time. Time flows only when uniform motion is disturbed. It may be difficult to separate the two that is why we think time is an universal entity. Lot of recent experiments show that our upstanding of time is wrong. Polarisation(effect of the third polarizer, between two crossed polarizers), entangled particles, Wheeler's delayed choice experiment etc. To explain most of these phenomena we need messaging at infinite velocities. Infinite velocities is not necessary, if we adopt a different concept for time.


Can time exist without counting. Counting is an integral part of time. But counting is man made. It is not a natural phenomena. You need numbers for counting. Numbers are man made.

Take two events, a photon is emitted from a source, until it is absorbed in another location, we can't say what happens in between. When it is observed by an observer, we know that time has passed between those two events. We need some type of a counter and a repetitive set of events to do this.
Within every two events there exists a set of other events and if you take any two events, from the set there will be another set of events. This is the usual definition of time.
But there are holes in this definition.
Let us examine what an world event is. It can be defined as when a force carrier particle like photon interact with another particle. When a photon moves from one place to another, assuming that it exists throughout the the full movement range, leads to lot of anomalies, like entangled particles and polarisation. What we can say is the photon was emitted at one place, and received at another place. Only after receiving we can say it travelled a time, distance divided by velocity of light. Though it can be theorized that photon exists in between, experimentally no such detection can be made. Detection will halt the motion.
If the above definition is correct there can be only a finite number of events fore a finite number of particles. Therefore you cannot go on indefinitely finding event sets within event sets.
This means there is no flow of time.

Time and world events are related. Light emitted from an exited atom and then absorbed by another atom is a set (or two)of such events. We can define before and after by defining emitting is before and and absorbing is after.Then a series of repetitive events happen in between, say we can't identify before and after of these event set, but we can count the number of events. There is a correlation between this count and time taken for a photon to travel from the emitter to the absorber. Then when we analyze the repetitive event we need one reference point, to start and another to identify change,(without another there will be no change). Then there will be other repetitive events that can be counted, within a single, first mentioned, repetitive event. Regarding a repetitive event, how do you know something repeats? It will at least need one a matching mechanism then it will need memory. The memory will keep some information, and then the matching mechanism will match, the current information with that is in memory. It will flag only when a match is found. This algorithm might need more than this. But at least it need these.
But isn't we are referring to human mind to do this matching. So can time exist without human mind?
This system can go deep, but not indefinitely, because there are only limited particles in the universe.
Time is this system, therefore it is not a single isolated independent concept. It is made up of several concepts. Humans have learned to link these different concepts and created the concept of time. If TIME is properly analysed it can explain current thorny issues in physics. Linking relativity to quantum theory, explaining entangled particles and polarisation.
Einstein's special relativity states time is not universal but depends on reference frames. In a single reference frame time is uniform and same to all points and events happening in that reference frame. It need to go further. Time will be uniform and same to each different set of related events. It is different to different sets of events. That is why we see anomalies in explaining, entangled particle events, like delayed choice experiment, instant messaging of entangled particles, cross polarizer in three polarizer experiment etc.

Counting - is it a universal entity that was not created by man. It is true in modern technology we can't live without counting. But historically it was not a necessity,  people lived long ago without counting. Mathematics is a creation not a discovery, Wittgenstein. Similarly repetitive events are not discovered, but created. Well works rotating, is it created or discovered.  Rotation existed before man. Man discovered something that existed. Or is it not? Is it a creation. Think deep of rotation. There are more qualities to it than we simply imagine.

Analogy of how brain analysed time. Suppose you go by car in a road for the first time, you will remember only very prominent land marks. For instance if you try to give directions to someone you can't, you may be able to say about prominent land marks only. But after going several times on the road, when you see land marks you will remember that you had seen it before in the road. But still you will not remember the order they appear. When you gain more experience going in that road, you will remember the order, and you will be able to clearly explain someone else directions.(Though this may not relevant- if you walk on the road instead going by car, you will remember in lesser trips).
This may be true for world time. Time may consist two concepts, one the events them the order of events. These are two independent concepts, that are combined to give the sense if time.

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