Saturday, March 31, 2018

Scientific space and Actual space

The space given to us by Science and the actual space maybe  diferent. The contradictions in science and paradoxes are evidence of it.

Think of a  straight line that streatches to left and right, to infinity, our scientific universe is a small part of the l i ne it is the scientific universe.
We will have to solve two problems. One, how can we get-the anchor point. Second how to find the strech ( of the scientific understanding ). The streatch may be mathematics. The anchor maybe big bang, or present epoch.

Mathamatics is used to comprehend very large and very small objects. physics use rigid bodies with the help of electro magmatism and to some extent gravitation. These forces are needed to lamp atoms to form measuring dvices. This helps to measure distance . Then time and velocity of light. All these are bound together.
By mathematicsn very small objects com be measured and even non existing small objectS by mathamatics. It is the same with very large objects.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dual concept of Time

Time has two concepts. One is the one we created and the other, the one the universe has created for it self. The one created by universe is responsible in creating naturally occuring events. Like supernova explosions, burning of sun, cycles of the moon, irrosion of soil by wheather.

Our concept of time is a mixture of both this can lead to paradoxes like electrons going through the double slit.

I am not sure yet how to seprate both concepts.

man has started from day and night to ,getting old, His concept of time.

What about a supernova explosion. Does it hapen even when an Obsever is not looking. Observer can't be that important. All the photons and the elementary particles emited, may be more important than the explosion itself. This brings out and question cause and effect. or the principal of coasality comes into question.
another important aspect of time created by humans is periodicity. Events happening seperated by periodic happenings .The clock created by man. But it should be noted that there periodic hapenigs in nature. Whati s missing in nature in the counter. But some biological and other counters exist. counters are not everywhere. Rings of trees and geological layers are examples.
Another aspect that should be considered here is the streach of time or gap of time. A better explanation is necessary,


There are several concepts of the universe that leads to the notle concept of time. Causality, Uniform motion, cyclic events,these are noturally ocuring phinomina. Then there are man made phinomina that leads to the concept of time, these are memory and ability to count.Then some other man made concepts like symmetry.This way time is not wholly man made and not wholly natural. Time is a mixture of these all concepts. This might here been the difficulty in properly understanding time throught out history.

causality g ives us the concept of before and after. Time flows from before to after not from after to before. A photon is received by an atom and one of its electrosns get exited , then another photon is immited. This wont happen the other way round. No this example is not good . Lets try something better.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Buddhism Islam

Main allocation against Muslims is not regarding wealth but increasing their population. Isn't it the fault if the Buddhist.  misogyny, make dominance towards women, not giving equal rights to women. Since this is the accepted attitude in closed associated like Muslims, this practice is amplified. Allowing to marry at age 13 almost a child, obviously they produce more children. No laws against marital rape, men force women to have children they don't like. Imagine the burden women will have to undergo carrying a child for 9 months, and have 10 children. Cows have better rights than Muslim women. Abortion is against law, marital rape women have no option than having the baby. Well then you may ask what about the rights of men, when they want a release and his woman want a rest that day. Well, prostitution is banned, phonograph is illegal, what can he do
So these are all problems created by ourselves. We need to think straight, not accept religion blindly.

Friday, March 23, 2018

zero and infinity

We know that infinity is a difficult concept to understand or comprehend. But We think zero is very easy to understand but it is more di fficult than infinity. We think zero is nothing. But what is nothing, we cannot experience nothing.Say when you are dead there is nothing. It is not so. There will be something. A more difficult concept than zero is, nearing . Or getting infinitisimally small, or nearingto zero.

Lets consider How we are going to get  zero or near zero emphatically. First you get two seprate physical points( Maybe there is no problem to identify -seprate from together- this may be also a problem. ) Then - we are goin to find the mid point. we draw a stright line from one point to the next , then we measure halfway and that is the mid point. See how many assumptions we have already made in arriving at this result. What iS a straight line does it exist in nature? The shortest distance betwem two point s. how to findd the shortest distance. Say we traverse from one point tothe next measuring the distance. How are we going to me sure of the distance, we need some sort of measuring device , how accurate is it. does such a device with100% accuracy exist in nature? Then supose we keep on traversing till we find a shortest one ,  how and where to keep a record of our traverses to find which is the shortest?. and how long are we he keep on traversing till we find the shortest . Is it many is It in finity.

All these are logical not empharical. So there in a problem of finding the midpoint. So we have a problem , given something to find a smaller thing. If we keep on finding smaller thingS, We wi ll be able to reach near to zero. with all there logical things, though we can come to near zoro, even logically we can't reach zero, let alone emphatically.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why theory of everything is impossible

There will never be a theory of everything. It is simple logic not Newton's they laws nor theory of relativity by Einstein not quantum theory.

It is zero and infinity in space. Not exactly zero and infinity, but reaching zero and infinity. In other words finding small things, we smash atoms and get electrons and protons etc. Smashing elementary particles by particle accelerators, we find ever increasingly new particles. Theoretically quarks are predicted. So as technology gets advanced we will be able to go ever further. We will keep on finding smaller things, there will be no limit. So a point in space or zero will never be achieved. So the theories will also change to explain ever small spaces or sizes. Current quantum theory may change.

Then comes the larger things. Currently our domain is limited to earth. But we use cosmic rays and electromagnetic waves to predict facts of the universe. But there is a limit for example proof of special relativity and it's time dilation. Currently clocks in satellites and atomic clocks in aircraft predicts positively. That is there is time dilation in traveling clocks. But the accuracy is not enough to verify the special relativity formulas are exactly correct. Even if some day they get enough accuracy, when accuracy increases we may need another theory. Like Newton theory of motion was replaced by relativity.

There is more. I feel space time is man made. Not like time is an illusion by Parmenides. Because there are astronomical events that happen independent of man, we see it's evidence through light photons that is bombarded to earth.

The concepts of space and time are interconnected. We need measuring rods(without electromagnetism we cannot have rigid bodies, without Reid bodies no measuring rods) and clocks to measure velocity of light.

Not only space and time, mass, gravitation, electromagnetic fields, week and strong forces are inseparable parts of the fabric of the universe . We humans invent these attributes. For example time, time don't exist as time, but we create it to explain the links to other attributes of the universe, like space or distance.

We see feel everything in space time. What about space time?

Monday, March 5, 2018

Muslim expansionism

Sinhalese Buddhists are trying to counter Muslim expansionism by violence. Whether it is ethically correct is one matter but before acting like fools they(we) should know these. Though the popular belief that expansion was by war, cutting heads cannot be correct. Romans killed scores of Christians, in a genocide, but failed to stop Christian expansion. History teach violence won't work. It may strengthen it.

Religion is about goodness not anything else. Believing a religion we try to be good. Think about this silently for some time. So logically a person changes his or her religion to be more good(may be they are deceived by someone else-but there will be a limit in mass shift of a religion). When people see something good (may be economically) the change can happen. I have read this is the case in India, cast ridden people choose to be converted as Muslims because they saw equality in it.

Buddhist thinking is beautiful but practicing it sucks. So be careful what you wish for!

We Buddhists should know facts. They can go to internet and browse independent platforms like Wikipedia and find out facts themselves. Here are few which I think useful.

The popular belief that Islam was spread through sword is incorrect. It is logical that religion is about goodness. When people see goodness in a religion they embrace it. It is the case for Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Islam is the more modern religion so logically maybe it has rectified more errors than older religions.

I can give an example, this may or may not be happening now but happened in colonial times, but thinking about it is a good exercise for our minds. We Buddhist fawn at Catholic church, saying they convert to Christianity the Buddhists by helping the poor with money, giving education to the children or giving jobs. These are good things, not only because poor people are elevated, the feeling poor people get that they are not fully ignored by society. So it is obvious people get converted. As Buddhists if we are against it, are we Buddhist as Buddha taught us? or Buddhist of something else? We are prioritising our fundamentals before the well being of the poor.

A proposed solution
There is a sentiment in the Sinhalese majority that, Muslims make more children and Sinhalese don't, therefore is,  one day Buddhist will be annihilated by Muslims.
Lets analyse this. Some say there should be a law limiting number of children to two. Why two, not one or three or complete ban. reason is majority like to have two children, ideally one boy and one girl. So, minority communities should follow. Isn't it against human rights?

Population control as a whole is a good thing, the world population is more than it can sustain. This creates most of the rifts among us. But will it justify a family with enough wealth, where the mother is extremely health and willing to have ten children, prevent doing it. Then the other extreme, a poor family who have two children, and a burden to the mother, and against her wishes father want another child. The reason may be they have two girls and father want a boy. The mother is pressed to have another child. Isn't this against women's rights?

What we can do is to change our laws and attitudes to birth control. Some religions are against birth control. All religious heads should get together and should genuinely accept birth control, and should preach and explain to their devotees it's benefits.

Then legalise abortion, it is assist women's rights to force them to have children that they don't want. Rights of living people should precede the rights of an unborn like rights of humans precedes the rights of animals.

Suppose a woman is conceived due to domestic rape, what can she do? Suffer all her life, were are her rights? We should have laws against domestic rape. And woman should have rights to do an abortion. Even in a mistake like forgetting to take the pill, she should be allowed to abort.

Well, then what are the rights of the husband? Suppose wife is continually rejecting intercourse, even the present laws allow for it. But the wife may be sick and temporally rejecting the husband, does the husband divide the wife, what will happen to the children, if divorce is, so loose?

Then comes the third precept in Buddhism. Legalise prostitution. It will help the man to temporally satisfy his urges, instead of breaking away from the wife permanently.

Legalise pornography. This will allow men to satisfy their urges without harming womenfolk.

See what a beautiful world we can have if we are prepaid to deviate from accepted norms.

There is a another angle. The behavior of the Buddhist monks are very similar to the behavior of IS(Islamic state) fighters, trying to spread Islam through the gun. Isn't this a Trojan horse, instead of converting few Buddhist to Islam, change Buddhism (the whole religion) to Islam. Though this is intentional or not, by Buddhists themselves or by Arabs, it is happening. The behavior of the monk mobs is evidence.

As Buddhists isn't it better to focus on our children(the next generation) than think about what will happen in many generations to come. By so thinking we will be destroying the future of the immediate generation(our children), by destroying the economy of the country.

1. Legalese abortion. To allow women free hand to prevent them suffering.
2. Remove third precept from Buddhism and other religions. Think this may be the most damaging part of the religion. This us a blanket ban even three year olds and sixty year olds should adhere. But the meaning of it is to safeguard children, where parents usual age is between twenty to fifty. As small children we are confused of its meaning and most of the children touching private parts (which all children do- sex is natural we all exist because of it) are scared we will go to hell. Think about the mental suffering they undergo. Then too much protection of girls makes them frigid, sexually dormant. They are sexually active only at peek, just after or before marriage, and after the first child they forget all about sex. This carries to old age. Think about male suicides at old age. When you are young and healthy you can find the comfort in alcohol or make other extra marital relations. When you are old you can't even drink and get drunk. Women will not be interested for an affair(no prostitution). Because sexually inactive women young men tend to have extra martial affairs.
3. Legalise prostitution and phonography.

4. Force all religions to accept family planning.
5. Make laws to prohibit rape inside marriage.
6. Stick enforcement of minimum age of marriage. Or better allow marriage only at first pregnancy. Marriage should be only for the sake of children, not to allow men to legally rape women. Just think how many women, Muslim or otherwise carry the burden burden of a child for ten months and suffer for another five years till the child the child goes to school, and then suffer again and again for each child for ten more times. Sri Lankan women, specially Muslim are sentenced to hell after marriage(I speak of poor people). Save the women, educate them, give them jobs, empower then economically, give them their rights, human rights. The problem may be the country is so so poor, even with attitude change it will be difficult to implement these.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

End of Knowledge

End of Knowledge

It was believed to be the substance from which everything that exists is derived. As knowledgehas marched triumphantly forward ever since, scientists have continued to look for ways to simplify all knowledge with a unified theory, and grown ever-confident in our ability to develop such a theory.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Rule forming and custom

Wittgenstein grammatical and material propositions. Rule forming and customs.

Is it that we cannot imagine anything new in our minds that are byproducts of our earlier thoughts plus material inputs from our senses.

Take for instance the discovery of benzene structure and the dream of Kekule, a snake eating its tail and atoms dancing in a ring. There is nothing new here, all are everyday happenings. Only thing is a new concept was formed using some old concepts.

What about Archimedes theorem? It was not a random finding. Ancient Greeks saw the relationship of 3, 4 and 5 satisfying the theorem. Like 2 apples plus 2 apples gives 4, they formed the rule 2+2=4.

But is it not possible to have a completely random form become a rule that everyone follows? The problem is this rule should be directed to some physical thing, only then it will be cemented as a rule accepted by everyone. Therefore all mathematics started somewhere physical, two or more rules created new rules and so on.

Is thinking only limited to this? What will be like if align comes to our world and say something completely align. Can we understand it. In a way it is better the don't come - so much of conflicts in the world where it is possible to communicate meaningfully, think of the chaos that can be created. Maybe that is why we don't find them - SETI program has failed.

So what is knowledge? Is it all inputs from environment thorough our senses, from birth, and creating links - concepts, to these inputs?

So we cannot have crazy ideas at all, we can have only known ideas or a mix of them.

This is very evident if you think of a computer. All what we get, is, what we put in, no more, no less. A sudden demon won't spring up from it, this we are certain. Our brain is not much different from a computer. Computer is a calculator it odd the same with our brain.

I should say something about art and music. What about these, aren't they create new things. We will not term as art or music anything newly created. We call it noise, visual or acoustical. If we cannot find patterns, it is noise. If we find patterns, then it is related to our earlier thoughts. Then we have art and music.

Our brain is an instrument smart in finding patterns. Much smarter than all current computers. It might change with the invention of quantum computers.

If this theory is accepted as correct, it will have far reaching consequences. A cyclone cannot create an aircraft. Random movements cannot create something very organised and structured. In the same way life cannot be created by random movement of atoms. Then this begs the question was there a beginning in the universe?

Sometimes what is wrong with everything like the conflict that can arise with this theory and big bang is because of our upstanding of time. We take for grant what we think of time without much thought. Suppose time is very different, and there was no beginning then it confirms this theory. Humanity in earth or life on earth can end with an astronomical action. Therefore life should exist in other places.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pure computer cannot simulate human brain

It is wrong to assume that the human brain is an independent organ. It is hard wired to all our other organs. It may not be able to function at all if all other organs are separated.
I make this comment by my little experience in meditation. If you are sick, say you have a stomach upset, it is extremely hard to meditate - concentrate.
If you are fit and feel comfortable it is easy to meditate. (I thought is it possible for a cancer patient who is suffering from extreme pain to meditate to get rid of pain. I don't think it is possible. Even for a person with past experience in meditation)

So the brain need inputs continually from all other organs. I heard that amputees are confused of signals from removed organs.


Symmetry Music and Maths

Music is not a universal factor it is specifically human. Even among humans it varies. For instance there are some who don't like music, some who can't play any music instrument how much effort put into it. Then some don't need even to learn, it comes naturally to them. Animals can't make head or tails of our music, but they have their own music, like dolphins or whales. Therefore without our ears and brain there will be no music.

There are lot of similarities with music and symmetry.

Symmetry it's an essential part of mathematics.  Most geometry is based on this. Even the number line is based on symmetry. E.g. positive and negative numbers. Then all series, need some form of symmetry. These are foundations of mathematics.

But is symmetry a universal factor, independent from man? It is true that symmetrical objects are present in nature. But are they truly symmetrical? Or approximately symmetrical? Salt crystals are symmetrical but atoms vibrate we need absolute zero temperature to stop the vibrations. But the universe is not absolute zero. And further it is impossible to have fixed coordinates.

Therefore, humans take naturally occurring forms which are approximations and create abstract forms that are symmetric.

Suppose there was no electromagnetic forces in the universe, then there can't be rigid bodies. Without rigid bodies hire can we have salt crystals, or rulers to measure distance? Therefore without electromagnetism we cannot imagine symmetry. Then we can say mathematics depends on electromagnetism. Chicken and egg situation, regarding mathematics and physics.