Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Nweton's First Law of motion

Newtons first law of motion (law of inertia) states that an object in motion stays in motion at the same speed and direction until some outside action (a force) acted upon it.

What if this is a human construct. Not fully but partially. Say there is motion. Motion is a fundermental entity of the universe(I do have doubts about even this. Since all motion is relative. Special Relativity and Micheson Morely experiment.

We humans add to the basic concept of motion "regulated motion".  One cardinal entity related to this regulated motion, is the observer. Without an observer such motion cannot happen. Or rather we don't know of such a motion existed without an observer. Appel fell down form a tree. At one moment it was hanging from the tree and the next moment it is on the floor. The observer observe that it falls in a straight line to the floor. At all stages of the downward journey of the appel from the tree branch to the floor, it emits photons, these are captured by the eye and come to the conclusion that it traveled inn a straight line.

There can be whole lot of other event like this. This is very similar to events of time.

According to quantum theory particles don't move is straight lines. So we humans have constructed the first law. It is not a pure physical thing.

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