- Quantum Particle can be divided at will. For example you can use any number of beam splutters to produce parts of the particle. Each will be polarized. A single photon can be divided by a beam splitter to two polarized particles and each of these polarized particles can go through a EOM(Electro Optical Modulator) and change the angle of the polarization. Then it can be splitted again by another beam splitter to produce a new set of particles endlessly.
- The particle being a particle is naturally travels together as a particle.
- By performing certain effects on the particle either naturally of artificially. Naturally when it travels near an edge of a barrier, artificially by experimenters in various methods.
- These different parts of the particle are entangled and communicates instantly when it is realized. The realization is only one particle and which one of the parts that could be realized is decided randomly.
- When realized all parts of the particle are informed instantly about realization.
Only little thought is expressed about the source in the double slit experiments. I find a lot of differences that was not properly addressed in different kinds of experiments:

- At least there are three kinds of experiments. One is of polarized light, second is of normal light and third is other particles like electrons to buckyballs-small matter.
- These might need different kinds of explanations, because they are fundamentally different.
- Also they have similarities, so far, only the similarities were taken into account.
- For instance polarized light quanta is entangles before being splitted by a polariser. Then in a usual double slit light experiment it is said the fist slit will produce synchronized or inphase light. But for the electrons, no such thing at all for the electron gun that produce electrons.
- These differences should be looked at carefully before divulging to exotic explanations like many worlds.
- If we need to dish Theory of Special Relativity on the face of the fact certain type of messaging is possible at infinite velocities we should do it.
- When a particle is fired at two slits, under Heisenberg principal there is an uncertainty which slit one of this particles will go through. Most of the particles will be stopped by the barrier and some will get through. Ones that go through, we cannot say which slit it went through because of the uncertainty principal. These particles can ultimately be realized as a fringe pattern. The fringe pattern is made by a single particle interacting with itself. In other words particle is divided into infinite number of parts interacting of these parts cause this fringe pattern. When at one slit a detector is placed the fringe pattern disappears. The reason is in the action of detection all these multiple parts comes together and gives a reading of it's presence. Then it will carry on with an infinitesimal less momentum towards the screan. This particle is capable in breaking to different parts again. but it will need another double slit to go through to make a fringe pattern.
- A single photon is splitted to two perpendicular polarized beams. Then each beam will carry a part of the photon. These two beams cannot interact because they are two independent streams separated by a barrier. It will act like a physical barrier where photons travels in two channels. In this case no fringe pattern appears. When we allow these two beams to interact a fringe pattern appears. Electro Optical Modulator will shift the polarized angle by 45 degrees. This will create a channel where both polarized beams can go through. Then fringe pattern appears.
- But the strange thing happens in electrons. When an election gun fires electrons at a double slit, it is observed that electrons are observed in a fringe pattern. When a director is places at one slit the pattern changes to a two peak pattern instead of a fringe pattern. If electron becomes unentangled at the time of direction you cannot get two peaks since there is only one director. you should get one peak e.i. at the slit where the detector is placed.
- In can be any detection will collapse the superposition. If the following experiment is performed it can prove it.
- Several new points are noted: I can't find details of an experiment where a director is places just after the double slit in electron gun experiment.
- It will be interesting to see placement of the director before and after the double slit in electron gun experiment.
- It is wrong to say electrons will randomly go through one of the slits. The electron goes through both slits. By Heisenberg theory we do not have information of the exact path. This do not mean randomly one path is selected. It goes through both paths but at the time of realization both parts comes together. This is the moment uncertainty ceases. So what will happen after the electron gun fires a photon halfway we reach out and grab an electron. The thing the garbing will be successful only be 50%. But this 50% is not because 50% of electrons travel through one slit and balance 50% through the other slit. We release only one electron it is wrong to say it may go through either slit, it is correct to say it goes through both slits. Then it is correct to say grabbing will be successful 50% of the time and fail 50% of the time, and when it fails electron will appear from the other slit.
- We physically cannot do anything about this, this is a fundamental attribute of the world. This is the Heisenberg principal.
- This explanation do not have the electron going back, of part of it going back, or some sort of a message is sent back in time.
- Forget for a moment about waves, forget that when we look for a particle there is a particle, when we look for a wave we see a wave statement. Try to explain everything by particles first.
- Splitting a laser beam may be fundamentally different from the normal double slit. Even in the case of electrons there is a single slit in the electron gun. Apart from the laser other experiments can said to be depend open Heisenberg principal.
- Splitting a single photon from a laser light to vertical and horizontal polarized parts is remarkable and stand in it's own right as a very different phenomena. Then again having these two to come together and create a diffraction pattern is more remarkable and will need another explanation. Because it is difficult to imagine Heisenberg Principal at this time. But remember laser light can be used to get diffraction pattern by double slit- this case normal Heisenberg principal applies.
- This splitting also have characteristics of Heisenberg split. In both in cannot be said that there exists two parts of the single particle. It can only be said that there are two probable paths of travel. After the particle starts traveling if a barrier suddenly comes across particle striking the barrier is a probability distribution. There is also a probability of missing the barrier.
- As a general principal it can be said whenever a singe particle is split and if it is allowed for the probability paths to come together, before splitting ceases, the realization will be an diffraction pattern.
- Why is it different interpretations given for electron diffraction and photon diffraction. For electrons Heisenberg Principal applies but for photons only electromagnetic theory applies.
- By treating both as particles and applying Heisenberg Principal we can get rid of all the controversies - in fact most.
- I cannot find anywhere why it is said that light emerging from a single slit is coherent light. It may be Heisenberg Principal comes into effect.
- One principle and one explanation should be given for diffrection of electrons, light from laser beams and light using double slit after a single slit. But I find slightly different explanations given. Light without laser states that incoherent light is given at the single slit but nowhere proper explanation is given for why is it. Light from laser sometimes produce diffraction without a double slit how? There is no single slit in the electron experiment.
- My explanation is that there are no waves only particles exist. When a particle starts traveling a path is created for it to travel the instant it starts traveling. This path depends on Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. Also this path depends on the barriers in the line of travel. When the barriers change the path instantly modified accordingly. This path do not have any energy. It is not a physical thing. It is only a path that can be calculated. Though the path is there, it is not a grantee that the particle will come to pass it. The particle may be absorbed by a barrier. The particle will travel forward only if it is not absorbed by some barrier. All this depends on probability. The path is destroyed by observing the particle and a new path is created. Therefore interaction patterns caused by barriers - i.e. probability of the particle arriving at a certain place and causing a pattern is ceased. Certain configuration of barriers can cause the path to give out a diffraction pattern. When multiple particles go on the same path a diffraction pattern can be observed. When the particle is observed or measured the path ceases. Therefore no diffraction pattern appears. In the original Young's double slit experiment, the first slit creates the path. The double slit modifies the path. Multiple number of photons goes through the single slit and uses the same path, this creates the diffraction pattern. When lasers are used in the experiment, the aperture at the laser crystal creates the path. The path is not destroyed even when polarized. Polarization creates a different type of deviation than a normal barrier. When polarized photon are caught at a barrier no diffraction pattern because two different polarization cannot interact to create a diffraction pattern. When the plane of polarization is rotated, it will create a path that is possible to interact. This will create the diffraction pattern again. In electrons the aperture at the electron gun creates the path, the double slit will create a diffraction pattern. When measurement is made after the electron passes through the path is destroyed and diffraction ceases to appear.
- It is important to understand that the path is for one individual particle. Similar paths can be created for other particles with similar velocities and similar barriers. The path can be destroyed by the action of observing or the particle striking a barrier - there will be a probability of such an event happening. Therefore though two particles paths can be geometrically similar they are not the same. With multiple particles going through same geometrically similar path will give a diffraction pattern.
- The path is like a ghost associated with the particle. It will not have any energy or mass. It may look like an ameba depending on the barriers. It is just a collection of probabilities. When it is separated and amalgamated later it will create a diffraction pattern. But this diffraction pattern is mathematical. It's values can be arrived by using calculations of a probability wave.
- This is a better explanation than thinking of time traveling backwards or universe consists of many worlds.
- Another impotent point to remember this path does not travel with the particle like a pilot wave. Path created beforehand before the particle reaches a point, that point was a part of the path.
- Electromagnetic wave is not a wave but collection of coherent particles.
- This is the basic method of locomotion. It is the same to particles and waves.
- This theory is more correct than the pilot wave theory because when consider all the relative movement of all reference frames pilot wave theory will come across difficulties. Since this path are just imaginary like ghosts we will not need millions of millions pilot waves but with paths it is not a problem because these are not physical.
- Consider Brownian motion of particles in a liquid. How are you going to apply paths to it. In this case we need to depart from paths to other theories. The paths will be changing so quickly there is no practical use in applying them. But the main thing is, there is no contradiction.
- In an atom when the electron receives a photon it will change it's path. And then go to a higher energy level. There will be little difference from the standard quantum theory of atoms to the paths theory. In fact I feel it is the same.
- Polariser will be a special kind of a barrier. The path created by it will be very different from that of a normal barrier. Polarized light going through a polariser of the same direction will not disrupt the path. Also it will not wholly disrupt the path when polariser is placed 45 degrees. Part of the path will remain intact and it will also be able to interact with originally uninterruptible polarized photons.
- One of the parameters of the path is a set of probabilities.
- One single photon can be polarized to parts. Actually this interpretation is wrong. Polarize means adding additional dimensions to the 3D path. Because of this 4th dimension vertically and horizontally polarized paths cannot interact. By using a 45 degree polarizer polarized angle can be changed. In doing so parts of the path is converted to 3D, therefore a diffraction pattern created. This 4th dimension have just two values vertical and horizontal. It do not have continuous values of real numbers like 3D XYZ.
- For a photon, when it is emitted first from an exited electron in an atom, the first path is created. Whenever it is bounced in a barrier without being absorbed, old path is destroyed and new path is created. It will be similar for electrons, when an exited atom emits an electron the first path is created. When it is accelerated and change velocity in jumps new path is created. This acceleration is done by an electromagnetic field. The field will impart photons and electron will absorb photons and will accelerate, therefore when each photon is added a new path is created. In a laser beam it will be the apposite electrons will supply the energy to photons. Photons will get new paths. By placing two mirrors at the end synchronization is achieved.
- Laser produces synchronized light. Therefore it creates multiple paths for bunch of photons. This is the reason we see diffraction patterns easily by using a laser. In other cases maybe diffraction patterns are created but we cannot see them.
- What part in this system the synchronization have?
- Polarization and spin. Very similar qualities in twisting the polarized angle and spin angle.
- What is phase in electromagnetic wave.
- I am surprised about the deepness of mathematics involved in quantum theory but skimming on the surface the logic of basics. For instance diffraction experiment of Young involves a single slit and a double slit. But for electrons and laser beams only the double slit is used, why?
- My interpretation: Lasers and electrons give a diffraction pattern not because coherence but because the photons in a laser and electrons emitted by the electron gun travels parallely. Therefore multiple diffraction patterns do not overlap without the help of a single slit placed before the double slit. In case of normal light this won't happen. Photons comes from multiple directions and the diffraction patterns overlap. By placing a single slit this is avoided and diffraction patterns are created only by parallely traveling photons. This interpretation the phase of waves do not play a part. We can do away the waves and wave particle duality and stick only to particles. This also explain why lasers travel a long distance without deviating. Here photons are made to travel parallely. With the wave theory lasers cannot be explained.
- Two entangled electrons act as one quantum entity. Both entangled electrons are engulfed in a single path. This path stretches to opposite directions.
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