Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How Competitive Exams Erode Knowledge

BYSri Lanka is a good example. Everyone accept that reduction of knowledge has taken place from work earlier times.

There is no private knowledge. Wittgenstein, philosophical investigations.

Competitive Exams leads competitors guard whatever they have learned to gain advantage from other competitors. So, it it's not the competition that is the problem but the attitude of the competitors. But this attitude is a natural result, when there is a competition.

So it is not the fault of the competitors, but the ones who use competition as a means of delivering a reward. Reward like a job, place in a good school, entrance to university. You can contrast these with a normal minority reward. Earlier mentioned rewards are important for the future in the individual, it is a life changing reward, not like getting some money.

A society should change this system. Especially in Sri Lanka this is the case.

Sri Lanka has many problems, everyone knows it. One is education. Starting from grade 5 scholarship to selecting medical undergraduates by competitive A/L exam. This may be one of the reasons of deterioration of the society not open economy. This using competitive exams to judge intelligence is wrong.  Though it is one method it is not the only method. Competition destroys collective knowledge. Knowledge is something that results from collective thinking. This may be the reason why having high literacy rate for more then 50 years, other countries that didn't have it has surpassed us in intelligence.

corruption was there in other societies you can see in films and stories in England and US there was corruption. The managed to get out of it. Even though there is corruption in their systems, systems would run smoothly. For us this always. The other way around . Why is it?

Thursday, September 6, 2018

World events and flow of time

The time is an entity created by man. The confution about time arises when one thinks it is completely real or completely an ellusion. The concept of time is two fold. On one hand it has the concept of time passing (this part is man made), on the other hand it connects all worldly events(world events are real not man made).

Another importnat concept is that nothing happens simultaniously. It may be correct to say two causal events happen simultaniously. But that happens with distance apart cannot happen simultaniously, simply because there is no emphical method of proving some such thing happens simaultaniously.

Take the set of event asteroid striking earth that killed all dinosars and atom bomb hittng Hiroshima. These are two distinct events and happened some time apart. emperically we know lot of other events happened in between. What I say that part is human. That is "lot of other events happened in between". We use other connected events and everything is like a tree structure. So what is the difference between to causal evnets, and these two historical events. The two causal events, one event control the other. But the historical events looks independent.

World events consists of and independent events.
Causal events, though we think are related, it cannot be logically proved to be related. Therefore it is also independent. It's dependency was created by us. Dinasors lived long ago and not yesterday, is made up by human mind.

TIME has three distinct qualities.
One, flow. Example ageing of a person, how events of his life flow. What time it takes to do some task.
Two, repetition. Oscillator, vibration. Without it time cannot be measured.
Three, counter. Without a counter time cannot be measured.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Particles and Waves

What is the difference between a particle and a wave?
Particles have identity. You can name a particle. It is like a person having a cristian name. Say there are identical twins, but each will have a different name, we treat each as a seprate person. You see the difference of a particle and a wave, only when you try to observe it. When you observer a particle you observe it all the way. When it moves you watch it's path continously. The wave you can't do it. In a wave you see the starting point and end point only. You can name a particle, since you observe it all the way in it's movement you know that it is the same thing that moves. What you had in position A is the same when it moves to position B. We watch it all the way. It is causal or localised not logical. But when a photon moves we cannot watch it all the way. We use logic to identify it as the same photon imited. We do it logically. We prevent any other photon to enter in to that space. Then we know what arrived is the one that was emited. It is like sending a ball in a opaque tube. We see the ball entering the tube, then we see the ball coming out of the tube. How do we know it is the same ball? logically. It is not causal. We know no other ball entered, so we know what came out is the same ball that entered the tube.

Understand this and it will solve lot of current problems in physics. The observer effect, "the moon is shining even when we don't look at it" - Einstein. Seeing the moon is logical. Seeing a table in front of me is causal. I touch the table on top of seeing it and get the feeling that it is real and not an illusion.