Thursday, September 6, 2018

World events and flow of time

The time is an entity created by man. The confution about time arises when one thinks it is completely real or completely an ellusion. The concept of time is two fold. On one hand it has the concept of time passing (this part is man made), on the other hand it connects all worldly events(world events are real not man made).

Another importnat concept is that nothing happens simultaniously. It may be correct to say two causal events happen simultaniously. But that happens with distance apart cannot happen simultaniously, simply because there is no emphical method of proving some such thing happens simaultaniously.

Take the set of event asteroid striking earth that killed all dinosars and atom bomb hittng Hiroshima. These are two distinct events and happened some time apart. emperically we know lot of other events happened in between. What I say that part is human. That is "lot of other events happened in between". We use other connected events and everything is like a tree structure. So what is the difference between to causal evnets, and these two historical events. The two causal events, one event control the other. But the historical events looks independent.

World events consists of and independent events.
Causal events, though we think are related, it cannot be logically proved to be related. Therefore it is also independent. It's dependency was created by us. Dinasors lived long ago and not yesterday, is made up by human mind.

TIME has three distinct qualities.
One, flow. Example ageing of a person, how events of his life flow. What time it takes to do some task.
Two, repetition. Oscillator, vibration. Without it time cannot be measured.
Three, counter. Without a counter time cannot be measured.

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