Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wittgenstein's language games and counting

In language games Wittgenstein takes counting very lightly. "We can picture that both the provider and the taker count by reciting the numbers 'one' to 'three' -- which are all the numbers in the tribe's language".

Counting most probably started counting sheep. To find out all sheep went out came in, knots on the rope or pebbles were compared to the number of sheep.

Though humans have 10 fingers it cannot be the start of counting because the five fingers are different. Two hands may be, but two is not enough to develop the counting concept.

To develop the counting concept you need to visually see number of similar items.

In developing number theory symmetry played a major role. Especially in division. After dividing by 2 it might have extended to 3 and so on.

Therefore a primitive language cannot have counting.

Original concepts of mathematics were created to mitigate the difficulties encountered by the brain in comprehending certain phenomena.

Maths is used keep track what brain cannot.

Language links the world to the brain. But not fully. (The main argument of Wittgenstein) certain things are not linked to language("cannot be said but can be shown")

Mathematics helps linking certain concepts to the brain.

Parts of maths is embedded in language. Symbols of one, two are examples. But the concepts of one and two beings to maths.

Million is nonsense to brain, but not to maths. When we think of million we can only think of the symbol of one and six zeros. We will also think people whom we know as millionaires. But like one or two, we cannot visually comprehend a million.

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