Saturday, February 24, 2018


(AMENDMENT) ACT, No. 16 OF 2017

I propose the following amendments.

1. I heard that, after being appointed, the representatives cannot change the party. This restriction was imposed because of proportional representation. But now we do not have pure proportional representation, but a mixed system. And there are two types of representatives.

2. There will be two types of voters, expressed and secret. (In a way it is absurd for the candidate to have a secret vote, it is a way of cheating, he should have a expressed vote for himself. His name should be struck out but one vote should be added to his name). Expressed voters will make a party, their vote is fixed, and counted for the party and struck out from the voters list. Secret voters will vote in secret and they will never be representatives or members.

3. Expressed voters will have a right in proportional representation. This group will remain as a group till the next election. They can have a constitution of their own. The group can be disband by their own vote. If it happens they will lose their right to vote in the assembly. This group will have number of votes according to the proportion of votes they get. They cannot be office bears. In debates two or three members can be present. They can change. In a vote they will vote as one block.

4. These expressed groups can be many categories, for a single seat, for a province, for the whole country etc.

5. They will need to show the election commission certain number of signatures. If the group is approved the signatories will lose voting rights, but that number will be counted to the group or party.

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