Monday, February 26, 2018

One and infinity

What is one is a question that cannot be answered, similar to what is infinity. According to current knowledge even the universe us finite. Therefore we cannot find something physical that is infinite.

What about one? If universe consist of one unbreakable object, we cannot say anything about it. We always need other things to say something of something.

Suppose there are two marbles in the universe to find distance between them, we need a ruler. To say something about the marbles we need other objects.

So if we have two marbles still we can't say something. What about three or ten. What is the minimum needed to say something about a set of objects. I think it is not possible to answer even this.

We do make concepts like entropy but cannot say the minimum necessary to have a concept. Entropy is a statistical factor of a large number of objects. How large? we don't know.

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