Thursday, March 1, 2018

Symmetry Music and Maths

Music is not a universal factor it is specifically human. Even among humans it varies. For instance there are some who don't like music, some who can't play any music instrument how much effort put into it. Then some don't need even to learn, it comes naturally to them. Animals can't make head or tails of our music, but they have their own music, like dolphins or whales. Therefore without our ears and brain there will be no music.

There are lot of similarities with music and symmetry.

Symmetry it's an essential part of mathematics.  Most geometry is based on this. Even the number line is based on symmetry. E.g. positive and negative numbers. Then all series, need some form of symmetry. These are foundations of mathematics.

But is symmetry a universal factor, independent from man? It is true that symmetrical objects are present in nature. But are they truly symmetrical? Or approximately symmetrical? Salt crystals are symmetrical but atoms vibrate we need absolute zero temperature to stop the vibrations. But the universe is not absolute zero. And further it is impossible to have fixed coordinates.

Therefore, humans take naturally occurring forms which are approximations and create abstract forms that are symmetric.

Suppose there was no electromagnetic forces in the universe, then there can't be rigid bodies. Without rigid bodies hire can we have salt crystals, or rulers to measure distance? Therefore without electromagnetism we cannot imagine symmetry. Then we can say mathematics depends on electromagnetism. Chicken and egg situation, regarding mathematics and physics.

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