Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why theory of everything is impossible

There will never be a theory of everything. It is simple logic not Newton's they laws nor theory of relativity by Einstein not quantum theory.

It is zero and infinity in space. Not exactly zero and infinity, but reaching zero and infinity. In other words finding small things, we smash atoms and get electrons and protons etc. Smashing elementary particles by particle accelerators, we find ever increasingly new particles. Theoretically quarks are predicted. So as technology gets advanced we will be able to go ever further. We will keep on finding smaller things, there will be no limit. So a point in space or zero will never be achieved. So the theories will also change to explain ever small spaces or sizes. Current quantum theory may change.

Then comes the larger things. Currently our domain is limited to earth. But we use cosmic rays and electromagnetic waves to predict facts of the universe. But there is a limit for example proof of special relativity and it's time dilation. Currently clocks in satellites and atomic clocks in aircraft predicts positively. That is there is time dilation in traveling clocks. But the accuracy is not enough to verify the special relativity formulas are exactly correct. Even if some day they get enough accuracy, when accuracy increases we may need another theory. Like Newton theory of motion was replaced by relativity.

There is more. I feel space time is man made. Not like time is an illusion by Parmenides. Because there are astronomical events that happen independent of man, we see it's evidence through light photons that is bombarded to earth.

The concepts of space and time are interconnected. We need measuring rods(without electromagnetism we cannot have rigid bodies, without Reid bodies no measuring rods) and clocks to measure velocity of light.

Not only space and time, mass, gravitation, electromagnetic fields, week and strong forces are inseparable parts of the fabric of the universe . We humans invent these attributes. For example time, time don't exist as time, but we create it to explain the links to other attributes of the universe, like space or distance.

We see feel everything in space time. What about space time?

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