Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dual concept of Time

Time has two concepts. One is the one we created and the other, the one the universe has created for it self. The one created by universe is responsible in creating naturally occuring events. Like supernova explosions, burning of sun, cycles of the moon, irrosion of soil by wheather.

Our concept of time is a mixture of both this can lead to paradoxes like electrons going through the double slit.

I am not sure yet how to seprate both concepts.

man has started from day and night to ,getting old, His concept of time.

What about a supernova explosion. Does it hapen even when an Obsever is not looking. Observer can't be that important. All the photons and the elementary particles emited, may be more important than the explosion itself. This brings out and question cause and effect. or the principal of coasality comes into question.
another important aspect of time created by humans is periodicity. Events happening seperated by periodic happenings .The clock created by man. But it should be noted that there periodic hapenigs in nature. Whati s missing in nature in the counter. But some biological and other counters exist. counters are not everywhere. Rings of trees and geological layers are examples.
Another aspect that should be considered here is the streach of time or gap of time. A better explanation is necessary,


There are several concepts of the universe that leads to the notle concept of time. Causality, Uniform motion, cyclic events,these are noturally ocuring phinomina. Then there are man made phinomina that leads to the concept of time, these are memory and ability to count.Then some other man made concepts like symmetry.This way time is not wholly man made and not wholly natural. Time is a mixture of these all concepts. This might here been the difficulty in properly understanding time throught out history.

causality g ives us the concept of before and after. Time flows from before to after not from after to before. A photon is received by an atom and one of its electrosns get exited , then another photon is immited. This wont happen the other way round. No this example is not good . Lets try something better.

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