Suppose that TIME is a man created entity. If so can the world as we see it can exist?
One causality will be constant velocity. We cannot use light beams to measure distance. So how are we going to measure distance?
Take the case of set of balls spread on the floor and an observer with a measuring tape starts to make a map of the placement of the balls. If the balls ate still he can measure by taking his own time, and will be able to make a complete map after some time.
But the problem starts when the balls are given movement. He can measure the first two balls, but when he measure the next two the position of the first two has changed. Therefor he will never be able to get some sort of a picture.
Suppose he can do measurement at infinite speed he may be able to do it. This means, the velocity of balls should be very small compared to the velocity of the observer. Well when velocity comes into the scene time will also creep in. Then our measurements are not done without the help of time.
Is it then if there is no time there is no distance?
If the balls are moving it will be impossible for a single observer to map all the balls. But suppose that there are multiple observers placed very near to balls(say observers are few compared to balls) each observer will be able to make a small map of the balls near him. When we make a composite map out of all these small maps we can construct a responsible map, accurate enough to the real situation. Threes way multiple observers can can make world picture without time. Flow of time will be collection of these maps.
This system of multiple observers making a record of the physical world can be compared with, multiple nodes of a bitcoin network authenticating transactions done by multiple persons. It's blockchain technology will fix the history. That is after more and more transactions increase the block height, validity of the transaction is confirmed.
The effects like time reversal and symmetry breaking in time, in quantum theory can be compared to temporary forking in blockchains. For short intervals time is not fixed.
Existence of true randomness is evidence that TIME is not real. Randomness of radioactive decay can be treated as truly random. If TIME is a physical quantity and has qualities we believe it has, nothing random can exist, everything is orderly, nothing can be out of please. Main qualities of time is uniform flow and having cyclic events where there exists cyclic events in such a way if it is possible to put one set of events in a different set of events, it is possible to do so in such events that occur next, or after.
That the premise "if time is created by biological beings and it's unreal" someone can ask "what about astronomical phenomena like an exploding star, before exploding the star was together after explosion it is a distribution, therefore there is a shift, a uniform shift, this is proof of time". Well the answer to this is: there exists motion, change without that, not only time, the very existence of anything is not possible. But we-biological beings give meaning of time. How do we know that the star was together before exploding? An observer has taken a photograph, mental or otherwise.without this memory we cannot judge before and after. Therefore we created before and after.
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