Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Strangely the drugs that you take can affect your ability to meditate. I think sleeping drugs, relaxing drugs, anti depression drugs, affect you. But there may bar a host of other drugs that affect your ability to concentrate.

I think it also affects the ability to do yoga.


I need to more about breathing meditation. I use the ticks of a piano metronome beats to synchronise breathing. The lung gets tired, and breathing get heavy, I thought it was ok, but found not. Breathing should be as silent as possible. Don't try to keep up with the beats, but count the beats. Think of the lung how it expands and contacts. When you are out is breath breathing becomes irregular, it's ok, keep meditating, after a while breathing becomes regular. When the body becomes tired even a little bit, the lung tried to get more oxygen, we should allow it, or we get more tired, and breathing becomes more heavy.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sri Lankan Media

Stop publishing and broadcasting rubbish.
In the morning we see sooth Sayers explaing horoscope.
Or religious sermons, are these helpful to people? Does they listen to these at all? Have we improved after decades of these broadcasts?

Broadcast more political discussions. Educated people about economy, social norms etc. People listens these. Have people interact by telephone, sms, tweeter, Facebook,  like social media. Have more public discussions. Bring experts and educate people. Kaka more people interest In these discussions than, Tele-dramas.

This is the way forward. Not by blaming each other. Help public make correct choices in democratic elections. If they are ignorant they can't do it.

For instance why nationalism is bad for our country. But it helps Israel. What happened to Nazi Germany. How they have to change to ruishmark from marks and  dueshmarks from ruishmarks.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Getting rid of Corruption

We use criminal punisment as a tool to get rid of corruption. Is it successful? No. Why? We criminalise corruption. And take crimial action on corruption. But we rarely take penal action that is civil action, we almost ignore it. There is a drawback in criminal action. To penalise someone by crimal action, we need to proove, beyond resonable doubt that person is responsible to the action. This is difficult, unlike when some physical harm is done to another, collecting evedence is difficult. Usually harming someone is not well planed. It is not difficult to find evidence and charge that person. Then murder can be well planed. But in murder, the method of finding the culprit is improved over the years and it is posible to find the culprits and punish them.

Fraud against a person, if the fraud is big, that person takes action. Usually if the fraud is big, the victim has substancial means to take legal action.

But problems arise when fruaud is aginst sociaty. In wealthy sociaties, better methods exist to find and punish culprits. In poorer sociaties corruption is widespread. These fraudsters plan these frauds in such a way it is difficult to catch them and punish them. Because to prove criminal action you need to prove beyond reasonable doubt. These legal action takes long time. The accuses need to be given fair chance to prove their inocence. You cannot apply balance of probabilities to prove tha action. Therefore frauds flarish. The world has become a heven to the fraudsters.

I have a suggesion. Criminal action need, beyond resonable doubt, because the violaters certain rights are curtail as punishent. Incarsaration by sending him to prison or a detention centre. Finacial penalties, where the accused has to depart from his wealth. These are very hard on a person and the sociaty has to be very sure that he commited to action.

What if we have lesser penalties and use balance of probabilites, as criteria to punish frauds against sociaty. These penalties can affect only the social contract by a person to the sociaty. Removal of civic rights. Usually current meaning of voting rights, government services, public education etc. We can redesign this in such a way that the affected person can live a nomal life, He can buy thigs from shops, he can rent or buy a house to live. Usually these high corrupters have enough wealth to sustain them. The criminal system take the same action for a pety bribe, to a trafic violation by a policeman who take the bribe because he do not have enough income from his salary. And a politicial who take bribes to give govenment contract.

We can use penalties like: no passport will be issued and the one issued is canceled. No national identity card. No bank accounts. No electricity, no water service ( he will have to use someone elses name to get these services. The idea is not to bar a person from useing lectricity, but he cannot buy these in his name). No mobile telephone issued in his name. These are some, there will be other benifits accured by teh preson from the sociaty, that can be curtailed.

These need not be life time bans, but limited to number of months or years depending the sevearity of the corruption.

Also the legal action should be swift, or its usefulness will be nulified in the end. This can be compared to Taxation Authorities. Since their action is swift, people are more scared to taxman than a policeman. That is people who has wealth.

These corruptors very scrupilious persons, and very resourseful ones, therefor whatever action it will be difficult to curtail them. But this will be a more efficient tool than crimial procedings.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Nweton's First Law of motion

Newtons first law of motion (law of inertia) states that an object in motion stays in motion at the same speed and direction until some outside action (a force) acted upon it.

What if this is a human construct. Not fully but partially. Say there is motion. Motion is a fundermental entity of the universe(I do have doubts about even this. Since all motion is relative. Special Relativity and Micheson Morely experiment.

We humans add to the basic concept of motion "regulated motion".  One cardinal entity related to this regulated motion, is the observer. Without an observer such motion cannot happen. Or rather we don't know of such a motion existed without an observer. Appel fell down form a tree. At one moment it was hanging from the tree and the next moment it is on the floor. The observer observe that it falls in a straight line to the floor. At all stages of the downward journey of the appel from the tree branch to the floor, it emits photons, these are captured by the eye and come to the conclusion that it traveled inn a straight line.

There can be whole lot of other event like this. This is very similar to events of time.

According to quantum theory particles don't move is straight lines. So we humans have constructed the first law. It is not a pure physical thing.

Monday, October 8, 2018


What is spin? And how is it possible
Spin and events. What is the relation.
How do you know that something is spinning.
What quantum theory says about spin.

100% symmetrical object cannot spin. Because how it is possible for an observer to know that it is spinning?it might have other qualities butnot spin. Consider the two cases, as spinning ball with a polished surface and another like a golf ball that have identical dimples. An observer may not know that the polished ball is spinning, but will know that the ball with dimples spin. How does he know that.   He will see light reflected by dimples, changing and will come to the conclusion that the ball is spinning.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How Competitive Exams Erode Knowledge

BYSri Lanka is a good example. Everyone accept that reduction of knowledge has taken place from work earlier times.

There is no private knowledge. Wittgenstein, philosophical investigations.

Competitive Exams leads competitors guard whatever they have learned to gain advantage from other competitors. So, it it's not the competition that is the problem but the attitude of the competitors. But this attitude is a natural result, when there is a competition.

So it is not the fault of the competitors, but the ones who use competition as a means of delivering a reward. Reward like a job, place in a good school, entrance to university. You can contrast these with a normal minority reward. Earlier mentioned rewards are important for the future in the individual, it is a life changing reward, not like getting some money.

A society should change this system. Especially in Sri Lanka this is the case.

Sri Lanka has many problems, everyone knows it. One is education. Starting from grade 5 scholarship to selecting medical undergraduates by competitive A/L exam. This may be one of the reasons of deterioration of the society not open economy. This using competitive exams to judge intelligence is wrong.  Though it is one method it is not the only method. Competition destroys collective knowledge. Knowledge is something that results from collective thinking. This may be the reason why having high literacy rate for more then 50 years, other countries that didn't have it has surpassed us in intelligence.

corruption was there in other societies you can see in films and stories in England and US there was corruption. The managed to get out of it. Even though there is corruption in their systems, systems would run smoothly. For us this always. The other way around . Why is it?

Thursday, September 6, 2018

World events and flow of time

The time is an entity created by man. The confution about time arises when one thinks it is completely real or completely an ellusion. The concept of time is two fold. On one hand it has the concept of time passing (this part is man made), on the other hand it connects all worldly events(world events are real not man made).

Another importnat concept is that nothing happens simultaniously. It may be correct to say two causal events happen simultaniously. But that happens with distance apart cannot happen simultaniously, simply because there is no emphical method of proving some such thing happens simaultaniously.

Take the set of event asteroid striking earth that killed all dinosars and atom bomb hittng Hiroshima. These are two distinct events and happened some time apart. emperically we know lot of other events happened in between. What I say that part is human. That is "lot of other events happened in between". We use other connected events and everything is like a tree structure. So what is the difference between to causal evnets, and these two historical events. The two causal events, one event control the other. But the historical events looks independent.

World events consists of and independent events.
Causal events, though we think are related, it cannot be logically proved to be related. Therefore it is also independent. It's dependency was created by us. Dinasors lived long ago and not yesterday, is made up by human mind.

TIME has three distinct qualities.
One, flow. Example ageing of a person, how events of his life flow. What time it takes to do some task.
Two, repetition. Oscillator, vibration. Without it time cannot be measured.
Three, counter. Without a counter time cannot be measured.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Particles and Waves

What is the difference between a particle and a wave?
Particles have identity. You can name a particle. It is like a person having a cristian name. Say there are identical twins, but each will have a different name, we treat each as a seprate person. You see the difference of a particle and a wave, only when you try to observe it. When you observer a particle you observe it all the way. When it moves you watch it's path continously. The wave you can't do it. In a wave you see the starting point and end point only. You can name a particle, since you observe it all the way in it's movement you know that it is the same thing that moves. What you had in position A is the same when it moves to position B. We watch it all the way. It is causal or localised not logical. But when a photon moves we cannot watch it all the way. We use logic to identify it as the same photon imited. We do it logically. We prevent any other photon to enter in to that space. Then we know what arrived is the one that was emited. It is like sending a ball in a opaque tube. We see the ball entering the tube, then we see the ball coming out of the tube. How do we know it is the same ball? logically. It is not causal. We know no other ball entered, so we know what came out is the same ball that entered the tube.

Understand this and it will solve lot of current problems in physics. The observer effect, "the moon is shining even when we don't look at it" - Einstein. Seeing the moon is logical. Seeing a table in front of me is causal. I touch the table on top of seeing it and get the feeling that it is real and not an illusion.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Identity of a particle in quantum physics

Philosophical Investigations-Wittgenstein, para 215. But isn't the same at least the same?
We seem to have an infallible paradigm of identity in the identity of a thing with itself. I feel like saying" here at any rate there can't be variety  of interpretations. If you are seeing a thing you are seeing identity too."
Then two things on the same when they are what one thing is? And how am I to apply what the one thing shews me the case of two things?

Take the case of single electron going threw two slits, how do we know it is the same electron the emitter emitted that strikes the detector? Our intuition, we emitted a single electron, we design the experiment so that outside electrons can't come in, like when you roll a marble in a opaque tube, you expect the same to come out. There's another way of doing it like watching the marble move through a transparent tube. Here you watch the marble move. The identity of the marble is fixed and not changing. There is a difference between the two methods.
In the first method identity is fixed, and in the second method the identity is vague, but we use our intuition to get the identity.

A particle behaves like a particle when the identity is fixed and it behaves like a wave when we use intuition to identity the particle.

When identity is fixed we know that the same particle moves. And in the other case, it is the negativity, like "this cannot be any other, therefore it is the same particle", we use logic to make the identification. The other case it is physical, you can touch and see the particle all the way.

In the second case an observer is present, whereas in the first case observer is absent.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Gaping hole in religion

Four any human understanding basic logic should be adopted.
Let alone humans, any life forms are located only on Earth.
Human beings are intelligent beings, who adopt Logic for their basic understanding.
There are various groups living on Earth, who believe different religions or variants of religions, there are finer and variations among each individual of a group, who practice a popular religion. There belief very in small amounts.
Take the case of afterlife, what will happen after we are dead. Different religions have different interpretations. Each are different from one another.
But logically only one interpretation has to be to true. Christians go to heaven, or god. Buddhist are reborn. Muslims go to Allah. Here again there are small variations along the same group. For example, adult senior males believe less than females of the same group, their religion. Some doubt whether there is after life.
So my argument is: logically only one action it's possible. So whatever the correct result is, after life, most of the believers(or may be all) on earth are wrong.
So, why should we believe a religion

Naming particles

Let's assume two electrons are moving in a certain direction. They have the same velocity. And they travel in the same detection(velocity have direction). Then they travel together.Say one is in left and the other in right. So how do you know that, one is in left and other in right. Well it is because of existent of an observer. Observer first identify electron A and B, and continually track the path of each electron. If there is no observer you will not be able to identify which is A and which is B. How died the observer track the electrons. He will compare the change of the electron comparing to it's surroundings, the environment. Since both electron is identical to the other, it is not possible to identify it like you identify John, the person.

A new theory: an unnamed object is a wave. When it is possible to name an object it becomes a particle. Naming is possible only when observer is present. Observer is not a live individual or a machine like a computer, it is the environment. Position of a particle depends on its environment.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Future of Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan should understand this: We went to war we couldn't afford. The results: corruption follows war, economic hardships follows war, it happen in every country, how can we escape it. We are one of the poorest countries. We thrive on agriculture. Whether is getting more and more unfriendly to agriculture.next drought with heightened global warming will kill because of high temperature. These facts should be understood by trade unions and General educated public. But everyone so far ignores it.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Delima of Sri Lanka

China, America, India like super powers don't want Sri Lanka to prosper, this should be understood by all Sri Lankana. The reason, Sri Lanka is such a tiny country, land mass population is merger. One of the poorest countries. So much internal conflict, be ethnic, religious, language, party politics, cast and so on. Long ago Sri Lanka should have been annulled. Why not? The strategic situation of Sri Lanka. So super powers want to keep it. Everyone like to own it. But others don't allow. The best they can do is, keep it from disintegrating, but keep it poor, don't let it prosper, ago they can manipulate it. This is engraved in foreign policies of these countries, therefore whoever in power does not change it. So, stop fighting each other and get together. Our we will never change and not allowed to change.

All Sri Lankan should understand this: ethically correct is a myth. It can be twisted by anyone as they wish. There well be arguments to show anyone is correct. BUT what alternately matters is economic might. We are one if the poorest countries. So we don't have a say in anything. We are always wrong. So be wise, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Buddhist monks

Doctors are a greedy unsympathetic ungrateful lot, but not all, not most. Monks, most of them, (may be society should be sympathetic to their plight) have become a cancer to the society. Reason: they are ordained at tender age of below 5 sometimes and live a life without mothers love. At least an occasional cuddle. These are very impart to human development. They are practically orphaned children. When they grow the become sex slaves to senior monks. When they are grown up, they are unable to express their sexual needs. Only option for them is to use younger monks for their needs. The bolder ones will have affairs with women. But they can't lead a normal life by disrobeing, because they don't have means to feed them or house them. These needs are usually fulfilled by the temple. These are the guardian's of Buddhism. They are almost equivalent to ISIS without arms.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Four parent children

Science has improved to genetically have a child out pound four parents. Benefits: reduce world population, to achieve proper balance of ecosystem. Physically healthy children, better mix of genes. Mentally strong children, better child care, parents have more time for themselves, better man woman relationship. But four parents will fight more in child related matters, but this rarely have negative effect on children, unlike when the fight is not related to the child.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Sri Lanka education

Please don't destroy the country further. The cent destruction is bad enough! Main reason other than religion is education. Teach children, but not to sit for exams. They should learn to be complete human beings! Exams won't do it. It will do the reverse. If children don't learn without exams, something is seriously wrong with either the children or method of teaching. Try and think. Teachers should be more smart than the children or else children won't care the teachers, and as a result won't learn.

Human duty

We cannot know all, we are not God.
So our main duty is to teach children to be free thinkers and find for themselves more than we knew.

Buddhism the big lie

99% of the Sinhalese Buddhists wanted Prabakaran - LTTE leader killed, and LTTE annihilated. It did happen. But a true Buddhist, should have allowed without war allowed Prabakaran all what he wanted. That is what Buddha preached. I personally don't agree with it. But that is Buddhism and not what we practice. So Buddhism is dead we have killed it.
I have a whole lot to say about this:
The 5 presets
Expansion of Buddhist monks.
Odaining small children as monks, depriving childhood, providing pray to profile senior monks.
These monks get lost in life, they fall in love, some disrobe and marry, most don't, few get gainful employment as teachers.
preserving Buddhism.
Politics and wealth of clergy
After life.

Teaching religion to small children.
Tyranny of teachers, sometimes monks.
Sunday school
Making children force worship elders(slave mentality in children)
Puritan attitudes regarding nudity.
Islamic attitudes of the monks.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why Sri Lanka won't prosper

China, America, India like super powers don't want Sri Lanka to prosper, this should be understood by all Sri Lankana. The reason, Sri Lanka is such a tiny country, land mass population is merger. One of the poorest countries. So much internal conflict, be ethnic, religious, language, party politics, cast and so on. Long ago Sri Lanka should have been annulled. Why not? The strategic situation of Sri Lanka. So super powers want to keep it. Everyone like to own it. But others don't allow. The best they can do is, keep it from disintegrating, but keep it poor, don't let it prosper, ago they can manipulate it. This is engraved in foreign policies of these countries, therefore whoever in power does not change it. So, stop fighting each other and get together. Our we will never change and not allowed to change.

Dr. Mahathir- Malaysia, compared to Sirisena of Sri Lanka. In youtube blog. A reply.
What it's said is true. But, well why a "but" when everything is true. There is an important fact we always forget, that is, our country is small, our population is small, we are the poorest. So do we have enough might to go against China? No. Singapore is a small country. It did prosper. Well it had a good leader, at the proper time. There is another factor(I realised recently) we are in a strategic location, America want it, so does China and India. But no one can't have it. So they (the next best option) don't what others to have it. So what is the strategy, to achieve it? Make the country poor. Being poor we don't have the might to stand up against these countries, like Malaysia did to China.

Government servants are civil servants not military. They do not need to obey illegal directions by their superiors. Each government department has a structure. It is obvious that bond auction was not done by the minister or the governor, but a set of central bank officials with an officer in charge. Now they are the ones who come forward and give evidence that a scam took place. This is a strange country. Why is it auditor general nor the Commission find fault of them. It is like the all the murders have become crown witnesses and some others are found fault with. Politicians may be corrupt but their life span is 4 years, the government servants 30 years. For 500 politicians there are 1.5m government servants. Can we become a clean country with this setup of lethargic and corrupt government servants.

 Education: 21.09.2018

I do have experience of trying to teach a dyslecsic child, and knows how difficult it is. I know most of the teachers gives up, or try to use punishment tool to do it. It won't work. In the it is difficult to send the child to school. Sometimes the child will become a mental wreck. I have observed something can be achieved with patience, love and good attitude.

I want to give this example because, most of our teaching methods go against this. you have to understand bright students are minority and majourity cannot learn with ease. But all teachers like to teach only bright students. Even our education system and society at large have the same attitude. that is "everyone can learn in the same way, if proper effort is made" therefore it is the fault ot the student if he can’t learn. this is wrong. Everyone is not equal.

Stop having exams to identity the better students.

Stop having any type of competitive exams (specially when the child is young) to grade their knowledge.

Teach child to tech each other. This is the method used by teenagers, leaning from pears. They don't listen either to teachers or parents. They listen only to pears.

Use it to very young, less than 5 year olds.

Teacher should be there to help and guide.

Learning is a distributed activity. Not a personal thing. You cannot learn anything by yourself only. 

Religion 05.10.2018

Is religion has some part why we can't prosper? Or reason for the sorry state we are in. In Sri Lanka the main religion is Protestant Buddhism. This is not what preach by Buddha, exactly. It is a deviation of Therawada Buddhism. I think it is not a religion, but to liberate Sinhalese Buddhists. To resaract old glory of Sinhala race. Stating from Maha Wansa. Dutu Gamunu, in ancient times and Anagarika Dharmapala of by gone are, then Soma There, of resent times.

We tend to blame everything on politicians. Then we blame about the greedyness of the society. First think how does a society become greedy? Well, we are guided by religion to live good lives. Has the religion failed to deliver? Then we start the blame game and try to find scapegoats. Open economy, western powers, these are in the forefront of targets of blame. 

Why don't we think something is wrong the way we are thinking. In recent times racism combined with Buddhism influence our thinking greatly. But we argue that, it is the same with Islam in middle Eastian countries, or other Christian Western countries. Say for instance  Hitler's Germany is a good example which succeed it. Though by going too far, created their own destruction. In current times Israel is prospering with the help of America and the West.

It is true this method was a success in other countries. But it don't mean we can do the same and be successful. Because countries are like individuals, they are not the same. One successful method may not be successful to another. Just like individuals. We know that it is true, about individuals. But what we don't understand is that, it is true for countries. Countries differ like individuals, the land mass, the population, wealth and prosperity and intelligence are some. We have to think what is right for us. People try to apply communism, or capitalism, or liberalism blindly. It won't work.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Secondary Knowledge

What is the connection with schrodinger's cat and Wheeler's delayed choice experiment. In the first the secondary knowledge is blocked, until the box is opened to see whether the cat is alive or dead. In the second the secondary knowledge is cooked up, or forcibly confirmed.

27 May 2018
Leave aside the above statement. Primary knowledge is the detection of the evidence of an event by our senses. Light photon entering your eye. A sound phonon entering the ear. something like th e wind brushes your skin. The more important part is a photon entering your eye.
Primary knowledge is no knowledge. It will tell us nothing about the environment around us. To be knowledge others should also know what I knew. Others also should experience the same experience I had. So primary knowledge is almost useless, without supporting structure. Even in a court of law someone giving evidence of seeing something is doubted in the first instance. The doubt need to be cleared by showing that the witness is an expert witness, or pass the cross examination by the opposition lawyer. Someone saying something is not accepted in a court of law.

Real knowledge need secondary knowledge. Knowledge of an event is mostly, receipt of a photon resulting from the event. (Other events will have similar interactions). But it seems that, that is not enough. Secondary knowledge is other things that happen around the event. Evidence of a candle light  in existence is stream of photons emitted by it. Not one photon. The structure of the candle, the appearance of the flame, the shape of the flame, the colour of the flame, how long it was light. Many people could see it light. Then there should be a structure in the receiving end. It should be able to analyse the picture of the flame(this is done by our brain). If we take a photograph of it for others to see later, it need a camera. Also some sort of evidence should be provided that the photo is actually of that candle(not a photo of some other candle taken before). If a renowened scientist say he saw the candle light people will except his word. There is a similarity of evidence given by an expert witness. The court trust the witness. The world at large should trust the expert. Evidence to prove he is an expert should also be provided.

Therefore proof of an event is not primary knowledge. I feel both in schrodinger's cat and Wheeler's delayed choice experiment tries to use the primary knowledge to prove an event. Putting the cat in a box shut out all interaction with the environment of the experiment. Using one single photon to do the delayed choice experiment, only primary knowledge is used.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Current Sri Lanka

Here we go round and round, giving wrong messages to public, for political gains. The truth, no public official or politician will say. We have fought a war we couldn't afford. After that without trying to recover economy by hard work, we spent massively on infrastructure. Roads though useful, lot of foreign funding was utilized. Useless, Sports stadiums, airports, harbors, were built with borrowed money.Then after that sting of work stoppages demanding sometimes wages, sometime stupid demands. Well, no wonder rupee depreciated- no need for economist to point out. Then 80% livelihood agriculture. No end of droughts. World Wether pattern changes, we can't do anything about it. We thrive from foreign exchange from Middle eastern worker income. Buddhists resists Muslim culture creeping in- reason with money the culture flows. For 500 years, We are used to European culture- thinks it as Buddhist values. But can't bear recent tendeds.

This was the case in London 100 years ago. Read Oliver Twist. But England was rich with all the money they looted from colonies. But we are poor poor. There is no hope for people to come out of this hell hole. At least start stop deceiving us by ourselves in the first instance, them people who govern should also stop deceiving public. In election they promise what cannot be kept. And we believe that there are simple solutions like changing politicians or punishing the corrupt will give us a dream land.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Dualism and multiple Brains

Dualism is mind and  body ( or rather brain) are two different entities that exist in the world. it don't consider everything is in our mind nor everything is only material ( including our brains).
In line of Wittgenstein thinking a framework created by multipal brains. Each brain communicating with other brains by means of language which consists of prepositions , gives some sort of, dualism. There are some events that happen independent of our minds, and some created by our minds( not by my mind only). The framework needs many minds. It needs comunication between minds It also needs a means of communication, a language.  and tools of comunication, propositions.

useage of Internet , increased method of communication, makes the bonds between brains. strengthen O f there bo nds makes multipal brai ne a singhe bower ful brain-
In future machine to machine comunication will increase the domain. proto cals of the computers willbe compatible to human culture

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Hibrid fly Over

Trafic problem in to solve allowing traffic th flow in cross junctions.
you can have the car tires used to flow in one directi on' and use rail to the other direction. T he , car her hi brid wheels. Each wheel w ill have a tire and a rail wheel.
The reason is rail fly over will be much cheaper to construct than a tared road.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Nonsense Questions

Some questions don't mean anything.  We are not allowed to ask them. Why there is change? What is change? Why casualty exist? what is before and after? Why before is before and after is after?

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Mathematics is another Man made Structure

Pmathematics is very similer to music. Both are created by man. But not only by man, music or mathematics is but wholly manmade. notes of music the spread of frequencies, We can't give frequencies We like to notes. notes are not random. So it is not wholly manmade. But man has done something, not something, many things. Man has takn the basic buiding blocks and done the rest. Isen't it same with mathematics some of it's building blocks are co unting in tigers straight lines etc.
The same can be said of wine, Culinary, building Skyscrapers jetiines

materialism idealism and inbetween

materialism idealism dualism and realism

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Why Sri Lanka is going to be a failed state.

1. Our land mass in very small.though fertile it i s small.
2. Our population is very small. ( countries li ke India though under devoloped with more population was able to become nuclear because of large population)
3.  main source is agriculture. with changes in world whether due to global warming , the country will soon be bankrupted.
4.We use mainly Snhalese as the language. Less than 20 million, of the world population use it. Though We have 90% literacy rate for more than 70 years. Intelligence level is low due to non availability of world literature.
5. Loose policy in free education. All the smart people get free education at the cost of poor people and leave for forign jobs.
6. No harmony among  religious communities.
7. majorit y religion being buddhism people are somewhat lethagic l  i ke to lave to religion to punish wrong doers. There fore high crime rate. TOO much reliance on religion to carry out social duties.
8. Major ity of the people do not understand economics . Don't understand that inflation is a result of excessive government spending. Always ask for hisen wages and less wor k

My answer to "we must send උගතුන් to parliament"

ඉස්සර වෙලා හොයාගන්න උගතුන් කියන්නේ කාටද කියලා. කටපාඩම් කරලා විභාග පාස් උන අයට ද? හොඳට ගැඹුරින් දේ විමර්ශනය කිරීමට හැකි අයටද? එහෙම අය හොයන්න කොහොමද?

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Scientific space and Actual space

The space given to us by Science and the actual space maybe  diferent. The contradictions in science and paradoxes are evidence of it.

Think of a  straight line that streatches to left and right, to infinity, our scientific universe is a small part of the l i ne it is the scientific universe.
We will have to solve two problems. One, how can we get-the anchor point. Second how to find the strech ( of the scientific understanding ). The streatch may be mathematics. The anchor maybe big bang, or present epoch.

Mathamatics is used to comprehend very large and very small objects. physics use rigid bodies with the help of electro magmatism and to some extent gravitation. These forces are needed to lamp atoms to form measuring dvices. This helps to measure distance . Then time and velocity of light. All these are bound together.
By mathematicsn very small objects com be measured and even non existing small objectS by mathamatics. It is the same with very large objects.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dual concept of Time

Time has two concepts. One is the one we created and the other, the one the universe has created for it self. The one created by universe is responsible in creating naturally occuring events. Like supernova explosions, burning of sun, cycles of the moon, irrosion of soil by wheather.

Our concept of time is a mixture of both this can lead to paradoxes like electrons going through the double slit.

I am not sure yet how to seprate both concepts.

man has started from day and night to ,getting old, His concept of time.

What about a supernova explosion. Does it hapen even when an Obsever is not looking. Observer can't be that important. All the photons and the elementary particles emited, may be more important than the explosion itself. This brings out and question cause and effect. or the principal of coasality comes into question.
another important aspect of time created by humans is periodicity. Events happening seperated by periodic happenings .The clock created by man. But it should be noted that there periodic hapenigs in nature. Whati s missing in nature in the counter. But some biological and other counters exist. counters are not everywhere. Rings of trees and geological layers are examples.
Another aspect that should be considered here is the streach of time or gap of time. A better explanation is necessary,


There are several concepts of the universe that leads to the notle concept of time. Causality, Uniform motion, cyclic events,these are noturally ocuring phinomina. Then there are man made phinomina that leads to the concept of time, these are memory and ability to count.Then some other man made concepts like symmetry.This way time is not wholly man made and not wholly natural. Time is a mixture of these all concepts. This might here been the difficulty in properly understanding time throught out history.

causality g ives us the concept of before and after. Time flows from before to after not from after to before. A photon is received by an atom and one of its electrosns get exited , then another photon is immited. This wont happen the other way round. No this example is not good . Lets try something better.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Buddhism Islam

Main allocation against Muslims is not regarding wealth but increasing their population. Isn't it the fault if the Buddhist.  misogyny, make dominance towards women, not giving equal rights to women. Since this is the accepted attitude in closed associated like Muslims, this practice is amplified. Allowing to marry at age 13 almost a child, obviously they produce more children. No laws against marital rape, men force women to have children they don't like. Imagine the burden women will have to undergo carrying a child for 9 months, and have 10 children. Cows have better rights than Muslim women. Abortion is against law, marital rape women have no option than having the baby. Well then you may ask what about the rights of men, when they want a release and his woman want a rest that day. Well, prostitution is banned, phonograph is illegal, what can he do
So these are all problems created by ourselves. We need to think straight, not accept religion blindly.

Friday, March 23, 2018

zero and infinity

We know that infinity is a difficult concept to understand or comprehend. But We think zero is very easy to understand but it is more di fficult than infinity. We think zero is nothing. But what is nothing, we cannot experience nothing.Say when you are dead there is nothing. It is not so. There will be something. A more difficult concept than zero is, nearing . Or getting infinitisimally small, or nearingto zero.

Lets consider How we are going to get  zero or near zero emphatically. First you get two seprate physical points( Maybe there is no problem to identify -seprate from together- this may be also a problem. ) Then - we are goin to find the mid point. we draw a stright line from one point to the next , then we measure halfway and that is the mid point. See how many assumptions we have already made in arriving at this result. What iS a straight line does it exist in nature? The shortest distance betwem two point s. how to findd the shortest distance. Say we traverse from one point tothe next measuring the distance. How are we going to me sure of the distance, we need some sort of measuring device , how accurate is it. does such a device with100% accuracy exist in nature? Then supose we keep on traversing till we find a shortest one ,  how and where to keep a record of our traverses to find which is the shortest?. and how long are we he keep on traversing till we find the shortest . Is it many is It in finity.

All these are logical not empharical. So there in a problem of finding the midpoint. So we have a problem , given something to find a smaller thing. If we keep on finding smaller thingS, We wi ll be able to reach near to zero. with all there logical things, though we can come to near zoro, even logically we can't reach zero, let alone emphatically.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why theory of everything is impossible

There will never be a theory of everything. It is simple logic not Newton's they laws nor theory of relativity by Einstein not quantum theory.

It is zero and infinity in space. Not exactly zero and infinity, but reaching zero and infinity. In other words finding small things, we smash atoms and get electrons and protons etc. Smashing elementary particles by particle accelerators, we find ever increasingly new particles. Theoretically quarks are predicted. So as technology gets advanced we will be able to go ever further. We will keep on finding smaller things, there will be no limit. So a point in space or zero will never be achieved. So the theories will also change to explain ever small spaces or sizes. Current quantum theory may change.

Then comes the larger things. Currently our domain is limited to earth. But we use cosmic rays and electromagnetic waves to predict facts of the universe. But there is a limit for example proof of special relativity and it's time dilation. Currently clocks in satellites and atomic clocks in aircraft predicts positively. That is there is time dilation in traveling clocks. But the accuracy is not enough to verify the special relativity formulas are exactly correct. Even if some day they get enough accuracy, when accuracy increases we may need another theory. Like Newton theory of motion was replaced by relativity.

There is more. I feel space time is man made. Not like time is an illusion by Parmenides. Because there are astronomical events that happen independent of man, we see it's evidence through light photons that is bombarded to earth.

The concepts of space and time are interconnected. We need measuring rods(without electromagnetism we cannot have rigid bodies, without Reid bodies no measuring rods) and clocks to measure velocity of light.

Not only space and time, mass, gravitation, electromagnetic fields, week and strong forces are inseparable parts of the fabric of the universe . We humans invent these attributes. For example time, time don't exist as time, but we create it to explain the links to other attributes of the universe, like space or distance.

We see feel everything in space time. What about space time?

Monday, March 5, 2018

Muslim expansionism

Sinhalese Buddhists are trying to counter Muslim expansionism by violence. Whether it is ethically correct is one matter but before acting like fools they(we) should know these. Though the popular belief that expansion was by war, cutting heads cannot be correct. Romans killed scores of Christians, in a genocide, but failed to stop Christian expansion. History teach violence won't work. It may strengthen it.

Religion is about goodness not anything else. Believing a religion we try to be good. Think about this silently for some time. So logically a person changes his or her religion to be more good(may be they are deceived by someone else-but there will be a limit in mass shift of a religion). When people see something good (may be economically) the change can happen. I have read this is the case in India, cast ridden people choose to be converted as Muslims because they saw equality in it.

Buddhist thinking is beautiful but practicing it sucks. So be careful what you wish for!

We Buddhists should know facts. They can go to internet and browse independent platforms like Wikipedia and find out facts themselves. Here are few which I think useful.

The popular belief that Islam was spread through sword is incorrect. It is logical that religion is about goodness. When people see goodness in a religion they embrace it. It is the case for Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Islam is the more modern religion so logically maybe it has rectified more errors than older religions.

I can give an example, this may or may not be happening now but happened in colonial times, but thinking about it is a good exercise for our minds. We Buddhist fawn at Catholic church, saying they convert to Christianity the Buddhists by helping the poor with money, giving education to the children or giving jobs. These are good things, not only because poor people are elevated, the feeling poor people get that they are not fully ignored by society. So it is obvious people get converted. As Buddhists if we are against it, are we Buddhist as Buddha taught us? or Buddhist of something else? We are prioritising our fundamentals before the well being of the poor.

A proposed solution
There is a sentiment in the Sinhalese majority that, Muslims make more children and Sinhalese don't, therefore is,  one day Buddhist will be annihilated by Muslims.
Lets analyse this. Some say there should be a law limiting number of children to two. Why two, not one or three or complete ban. reason is majority like to have two children, ideally one boy and one girl. So, minority communities should follow. Isn't it against human rights?

Population control as a whole is a good thing, the world population is more than it can sustain. This creates most of the rifts among us. But will it justify a family with enough wealth, where the mother is extremely health and willing to have ten children, prevent doing it. Then the other extreme, a poor family who have two children, and a burden to the mother, and against her wishes father want another child. The reason may be they have two girls and father want a boy. The mother is pressed to have another child. Isn't this against women's rights?

What we can do is to change our laws and attitudes to birth control. Some religions are against birth control. All religious heads should get together and should genuinely accept birth control, and should preach and explain to their devotees it's benefits.

Then legalise abortion, it is assist women's rights to force them to have children that they don't want. Rights of living people should precede the rights of an unborn like rights of humans precedes the rights of animals.

Suppose a woman is conceived due to domestic rape, what can she do? Suffer all her life, were are her rights? We should have laws against domestic rape. And woman should have rights to do an abortion. Even in a mistake like forgetting to take the pill, she should be allowed to abort.

Well, then what are the rights of the husband? Suppose wife is continually rejecting intercourse, even the present laws allow for it. But the wife may be sick and temporally rejecting the husband, does the husband divide the wife, what will happen to the children, if divorce is, so loose?

Then comes the third precept in Buddhism. Legalise prostitution. It will help the man to temporally satisfy his urges, instead of breaking away from the wife permanently.

Legalise pornography. This will allow men to satisfy their urges without harming womenfolk.

See what a beautiful world we can have if we are prepaid to deviate from accepted norms.

There is a another angle. The behavior of the Buddhist monks are very similar to the behavior of IS(Islamic state) fighters, trying to spread Islam through the gun. Isn't this a Trojan horse, instead of converting few Buddhist to Islam, change Buddhism (the whole religion) to Islam. Though this is intentional or not, by Buddhists themselves or by Arabs, it is happening. The behavior of the monk mobs is evidence.

As Buddhists isn't it better to focus on our children(the next generation) than think about what will happen in many generations to come. By so thinking we will be destroying the future of the immediate generation(our children), by destroying the economy of the country.

1. Legalese abortion. To allow women free hand to prevent them suffering.
2. Remove third precept from Buddhism and other religions. Think this may be the most damaging part of the religion. This us a blanket ban even three year olds and sixty year olds should adhere. But the meaning of it is to safeguard children, where parents usual age is between twenty to fifty. As small children we are confused of its meaning and most of the children touching private parts (which all children do- sex is natural we all exist because of it) are scared we will go to hell. Think about the mental suffering they undergo. Then too much protection of girls makes them frigid, sexually dormant. They are sexually active only at peek, just after or before marriage, and after the first child they forget all about sex. This carries to old age. Think about male suicides at old age. When you are young and healthy you can find the comfort in alcohol or make other extra marital relations. When you are old you can't even drink and get drunk. Women will not be interested for an affair(no prostitution). Because sexually inactive women young men tend to have extra martial affairs.
3. Legalise prostitution and phonography.

4. Force all religions to accept family planning.
5. Make laws to prohibit rape inside marriage.
6. Stick enforcement of minimum age of marriage. Or better allow marriage only at first pregnancy. Marriage should be only for the sake of children, not to allow men to legally rape women. Just think how many women, Muslim or otherwise carry the burden burden of a child for ten months and suffer for another five years till the child the child goes to school, and then suffer again and again for each child for ten more times. Sri Lankan women, specially Muslim are sentenced to hell after marriage(I speak of poor people). Save the women, educate them, give them jobs, empower then economically, give them their rights, human rights. The problem may be the country is so so poor, even with attitude change it will be difficult to implement these.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

End of Knowledge

End of Knowledge

It was believed to be the substance from which everything that exists is derived. As knowledgehas marched triumphantly forward ever since, scientists have continued to look for ways to simplify all knowledge with a unified theory, and grown ever-confident in our ability to develop such a theory.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Rule forming and custom

Wittgenstein grammatical and material propositions. Rule forming and customs.

Is it that we cannot imagine anything new in our minds that are byproducts of our earlier thoughts plus material inputs from our senses.

Take for instance the discovery of benzene structure and the dream of Kekule, a snake eating its tail and atoms dancing in a ring. There is nothing new here, all are everyday happenings. Only thing is a new concept was formed using some old concepts.

What about Archimedes theorem? It was not a random finding. Ancient Greeks saw the relationship of 3, 4 and 5 satisfying the theorem. Like 2 apples plus 2 apples gives 4, they formed the rule 2+2=4.

But is it not possible to have a completely random form become a rule that everyone follows? The problem is this rule should be directed to some physical thing, only then it will be cemented as a rule accepted by everyone. Therefore all mathematics started somewhere physical, two or more rules created new rules and so on.

Is thinking only limited to this? What will be like if align comes to our world and say something completely align. Can we understand it. In a way it is better the don't come - so much of conflicts in the world where it is possible to communicate meaningfully, think of the chaos that can be created. Maybe that is why we don't find them - SETI program has failed.

So what is knowledge? Is it all inputs from environment thorough our senses, from birth, and creating links - concepts, to these inputs?

So we cannot have crazy ideas at all, we can have only known ideas or a mix of them.

This is very evident if you think of a computer. All what we get, is, what we put in, no more, no less. A sudden demon won't spring up from it, this we are certain. Our brain is not much different from a computer. Computer is a calculator it odd the same with our brain.

I should say something about art and music. What about these, aren't they create new things. We will not term as art or music anything newly created. We call it noise, visual or acoustical. If we cannot find patterns, it is noise. If we find patterns, then it is related to our earlier thoughts. Then we have art and music.

Our brain is an instrument smart in finding patterns. Much smarter than all current computers. It might change with the invention of quantum computers.

If this theory is accepted as correct, it will have far reaching consequences. A cyclone cannot create an aircraft. Random movements cannot create something very organised and structured. In the same way life cannot be created by random movement of atoms. Then this begs the question was there a beginning in the universe?

Sometimes what is wrong with everything like the conflict that can arise with this theory and big bang is because of our upstanding of time. We take for grant what we think of time without much thought. Suppose time is very different, and there was no beginning then it confirms this theory. Humanity in earth or life on earth can end with an astronomical action. Therefore life should exist in other places.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pure computer cannot simulate human brain

It is wrong to assume that the human brain is an independent organ. It is hard wired to all our other organs. It may not be able to function at all if all other organs are separated.
I make this comment by my little experience in meditation. If you are sick, say you have a stomach upset, it is extremely hard to meditate - concentrate.
If you are fit and feel comfortable it is easy to meditate. (I thought is it possible for a cancer patient who is suffering from extreme pain to meditate to get rid of pain. I don't think it is possible. Even for a person with past experience in meditation)

So the brain need inputs continually from all other organs. I heard that amputees are confused of signals from removed organs.


Symmetry Music and Maths

Music is not a universal factor it is specifically human. Even among humans it varies. For instance there are some who don't like music, some who can't play any music instrument how much effort put into it. Then some don't need even to learn, it comes naturally to them. Animals can't make head or tails of our music, but they have their own music, like dolphins or whales. Therefore without our ears and brain there will be no music.

There are lot of similarities with music and symmetry.

Symmetry it's an essential part of mathematics.  Most geometry is based on this. Even the number line is based on symmetry. E.g. positive and negative numbers. Then all series, need some form of symmetry. These are foundations of mathematics.

But is symmetry a universal factor, independent from man? It is true that symmetrical objects are present in nature. But are they truly symmetrical? Or approximately symmetrical? Salt crystals are symmetrical but atoms vibrate we need absolute zero temperature to stop the vibrations. But the universe is not absolute zero. And further it is impossible to have fixed coordinates.

Therefore, humans take naturally occurring forms which are approximations and create abstract forms that are symmetric.

Suppose there was no electromagnetic forces in the universe, then there can't be rigid bodies. Without rigid bodies hire can we have salt crystals, or rulers to measure distance? Therefore without electromagnetism we cannot imagine symmetry. Then we can say mathematics depends on electromagnetism. Chicken and egg situation, regarding mathematics and physics.

Monday, February 26, 2018

One and infinity

What is one is a question that cannot be answered, similar to what is infinity. According to current knowledge even the universe us finite. Therefore we cannot find something physical that is infinite.

What about one? If universe consist of one unbreakable object, we cannot say anything about it. We always need other things to say something of something.

Suppose there are two marbles in the universe to find distance between them, we need a ruler. To say something about the marbles we need other objects.

So if we have two marbles still we can't say something. What about three or ten. What is the minimum needed to say something about a set of objects. I think it is not possible to answer even this.

We do make concepts like entropy but cannot say the minimum necessary to have a concept. Entropy is a statistical factor of a large number of objects. How large? we don't know.

Physics and Mathematics

Mathematics and Physics is analogies to the chicken and egg situation. Mathematics started by counting things. Then symmetry, number-line concepts depends fully on rigid bodies. All rigid bodies need electromagnetic forces to form them, not to fall apart. To have fixed distances. Suppose all bodies are like a jelly, how can we make a ruler to measure distance? After each measurement the ruler changes.
Without the number-line, which is the basis for fractions, decimals and rational numbers, mathematics cannot go forward.
So physics and Mathematics go hand in hand.

Brain has inherent ability to identify symmetries. This is in other words called Mathamatics.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


(AMENDMENT) ACT, No. 16 OF 2017

I propose the following amendments.

1. I heard that, after being appointed, the representatives cannot change the party. This restriction was imposed because of proportional representation. But now we do not have pure proportional representation, but a mixed system. And there are two types of representatives.

2. There will be two types of voters, expressed and secret. (In a way it is absurd for the candidate to have a secret vote, it is a way of cheating, he should have a expressed vote for himself. His name should be struck out but one vote should be added to his name). Expressed voters will make a party, their vote is fixed, and counted for the party and struck out from the voters list. Secret voters will vote in secret and they will never be representatives or members.

3. Expressed voters will have a right in proportional representation. This group will remain as a group till the next election. They can have a constitution of their own. The group can be disband by their own vote. If it happens they will lose their right to vote in the assembly. This group will have number of votes according to the proportion of votes they get. They cannot be office bears. In debates two or three members can be present. They can change. In a vote they will vote as one block.

4. These expressed groups can be many categories, for a single seat, for a province, for the whole country etc.

5. They will need to show the election commission certain number of signatures. If the group is approved the signatories will lose voting rights, but that number will be counted to the group or party.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Visual communication

Imagine two persons both having a screen in their chest, wired to their brain. Their thoughts and whatever to be communicated appears in the screen for the other to see. In turn the other will absorbed the infirmary through their eyes.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Archimedes therm is an invention

Suppose the center if earth is not exactly in the middle, we will not be walking vertically. All buildings will be slanted. Trees grow angled to earth. What's the use of Archimedes therm.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

You a Lump of matter

You are a Lump of matter, no more and no less, that will disintegrate some day. This disintegration is death. Think of all life forms as separate lumps but has links. Some day, suddenly all this are in the danger of being wipe out. Atomic bombs, asteroid, gamma ray burst, death of the sun, and there are known and unknown many. We need to realise what actually we are. We think we are proud individuals that has .....

What is important is happenings inside and outside. Inside is all your thoughts about you and of others. Outside is all thoughts of others about you. Your actions don't matter. Say you murdered a man. This is irrelevant. What is relevant is why you think about it and what others think about it. The action of murdering, if you do it yourself or if someone else do it, the effect is the same accept what you think, and others think about it.

What you think about you is simple. What you think about others and others think about you is complex. It can be broken down to several aspects. For instance a political leader, good or bad, or a popular sports person, our a great philosopher, what many think about them is different from that of for a unknown person.

It is also important that what we think that, others think about us.

Brain and body are not two lumps, it cannot be separated it is one. What out brain thinks is dependent of effects of or body. If we are sick in body it affects the thinking of the brain.

The problem that to believe something, say God or any divine thing or any after life exists cannot be proved with reason and it is beyond reason is, there is reason to prove it is not so.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Religion and Social ills of Society

IOne of main purposes of religion it's to stop social ills of society. But it has failed to do so. Usually people never ask why. They question everything but not religion. Why? It is because as children elders, though they try to answer children's questions about the world, stop short when the question is related to religion. They take the easy way out. Give the short answer, religion teaches us it is good or religion teaches us it is bad. May be they don't know how to answer it. It may be better to tell children the truth (Religion force us to do that - but we fail to do so). Better answer may be "I don't know, think about it yourself. Teaching children, not to kill, not to steal and not to cheat, is absolutely necessary. It is easy to identify killing and stealing, but cheating is bit hard, because parents also cheat - sometimes to their own children.
Then comes other ills, sex and intoxication. Here, there is total chaos. Intoxication, parents give examples of mental breakdown of extreme intoxication of drug addicts. Children also could see, sometimes for themselves, but mostly in news about this. They get scared - most of them, but being children some the want to experiment. The wrong message do more harm than good. All drugs don't make addicts, by a single use, - or few. But some extreme drugs do. All drugs heighten pleasure in the brain - well that is why we take them. Different different drugs vary in the types of pleasure and tend to become an addict. The parents don't teach this to children, they say all drugs are bad. But pears will give a different message to children. Sometimes it is more near to truth. For instance getting drunk once won't make you an addict. But using heroin once can make you an addict. Children get confused, parents tell one thing, pears tell another and their experience shows a tendency towards more truth in what pears say. Then they will try to experiment with extreme drugs, and become addicts.
There are other factors that cannot be controlled by parents, but we are messing up with what we can.
Then sex, parents are also confused by what religion says, and all the messages they get from society. So, how can they clear the minds of children? It is definitely better, to be silent on this matter if you don't know about it.

When we are children we learn about death. We get scared and trey to forget it. We question parents and try to convince us that it will not happen to us. The first concept we have in our minds is that we are exempt from it. When we get matured we see more and more death happens everywhere. But still we are convinced that we can find a way out of it. Though religion teaches us that there is a life beyond this life, there is some sort of after life we are not convinced by it. There is an age we start to doubt this concept, that we can beat death. This is the correct age of investigation about religion(may be 40). But still it is not the correct age to learn and be fixed in one single religion. Then comes a age we feel that we are definitely going to die someday, that is the age(may be 50) we should we should fix on one religion.
Messing we this age limits makes mental torment to an individual. Wrist case is suicide, and other things like depression at young age happens. Children should learn to enjoy life. When you are young or brains are geared to it. That is why young people take drugs, do competitive sports, get addicted to video games, addicted to smart phones, social apps, etc. Adults should not try to stop them, but guide them so that it is not harmful, maybe have limits. Emphasising on education to get a good job in later life conflict with this. This is the reason parents and children drift apart in their relationships. The problem becomes worse because all children are not smart in  learning and correct method of teaching to that particular child is not applied. Sometimes we try to teach wrong subjects(trying to realise parents dreams through children).

Friday, February 2, 2018

Inflationary tax replace indirect tax

How about abolishing VAT and other indirect tax and just print money when government needs. Reduces lot is expenses involved to a government. Tax authorities and central banks can be trimmed.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Different type of Universe

Imagine an environment inside a fluid, that send messages using phonons, pressure waves. Each movement of parts of some matter lumped together, say marbles immersed in water. Suppose two marbles, freely moving image the water  strike together. Moving marbles will emit phonons. Suppose there is an observer immersed in the water. Imagine how this observer will preserve the environment around it. It will know that by phonons that strikes it what ours happening around it. When two marbles strike and start to move in different directions, the observer  who is in a different location, other than the location of collusion, will have knowledge of the collusion by sensing the pleasure waves. The observer will have knowledge of what is happening around it from pressure waves. Like a subm arine know it's environment by the pings reflected.
Imagine how the size of an object is measured here. How relationship of two events are perceived here. Which happens before and which after.
Simaltanity do not exist here. But the observer will get an idea of all what is happening around it. It will have a crude idea of before and after. But nothing will be definite. To know about before and after submarine's clock need to be used. This is very similar to the brains clock inside it. Events will be happening around us, but we need our brains clock to organise these events. Each observer will organise it differently. There will be no universal structure of the happenings around us. There is no before and after. No larger and smaller. No far and near. The brain using the messages it get to organise what happen around us.
Therefore we can definitely say that things happen around us, but we cannot compare these without message carriers like photons. Therefore the world we see using these comparisons is not definite. Not fixed, it is fluid. Our comparison of two astronomical events, say big bang and the present, is observer dependent.

What would be like teaching geometry to a dolphin?

If you receive two pings there are two objects. Number of objects depends on the number of pings.